Slides Editor

OfficeSuite supports all of the major presentation types including .PPT, .PPTX, .PPS, .PPSX, .PPTM, .PPSM, and .ODP. To access the Slides Editor, either open or create a new presentation.

The Slides Editor is easily identified by its characteristic orange-colored menu bar. Across the top you'll find the following controls:

Save any changes made to the presentation.
Undo the most recent change made.
Redo the most recent undone change.
Create new file will create a new blank spreadsheet.
Print the spreadsheet using a networked printer.
Share the currently opened presentation.
Start Slideshow will initiate the slideshow.
Toggle Full Screen mode.
Minimize the Slides Editor to the taskbar.
Maximize the Slides Editor to take up the entire screen.
Close the currently open Slides Editor window. Unsaved presentations will be prompted with a Save dialog.

Underneath the topmost menu, OfficeSuite's Slides Editor contains a series of dropdown menus separated into the Edit, Insert, Design, Slideshow, View and Table categories, alongside the Hamburger icon which accesses the Main OfficeSuite Menu.


The Edit dropdown houses a range of options designed to make manipulating, selecting, and finding elements in your presentation easier.

Undo – Reverts the most recent change made.
Redo – Reapplies the most recent undone change.
Cut – Removes the selected element(s) and copies them to the clipboard.
Copy – Copies the selected element(s) onto the clipboard.
Paste – Inserts cut/copied element(s) from the clipboard.
Paste Options – Provides options to only paste the text from a given selection.
Select All – Selects all of the elements in the document.
Find – Locates any instances of text entered. The Match case and Whole words only options will match any capitalization you have entered and only search for exact word matches, respectively.


The Insert dropdown is used for placing a wide range of visual additions to your presentations, such as graphics and shapes.

New Slide – Quickly adds a new default slide to the presentation.
Picture... – Inserts an image into your presentation from your computer's filesystem. Placed images can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.

Right-clicking on an image provides additional options:

Save as Picture – Save the currently selected image to your computer.
Online Picture... – Insert a picture from the web.
Shape – Insert a shape into the presentation to highlight important information.
Text Box – Adds a new text box to the slide, which can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.
Table – Insert a table with a pre-set formatting style, all you need to do is select its dimensions.
Hyperlink... – Adds a hyperlink to any selected text. You can choose between a web address, email address, or slide within the spreadsheet by using the corresponding tabs at the top of the dialog.


Provides options to customize the presentation's theme, slideshow properties and layout.

Layout – Allows you to change the layout of your slide, ideal in cases when you want to tailor your slide's layout to the information being presented.
Themes – Use a theme in your presentation to drastically change its visual style.
Slide Size – Pick between Standard, Widescreen or set a custom size for your slides.
Format Background – Customize the slide's background by inserting a picture or using a fill color.


The Slideshow dropdown lets you begin a presentation, as well as adjust how the individual slides in your presentation behave.

Start Slideshow – Begins the slideshow from the beginning of the presentation.
Start from Current – Begins the slideshow from the current slide.
Use Presenter View – Toggle the Presenter view mode on or off. Presenter view is specifically designed to make presenting a slideshow in front of a larger audience easier for the presenter.
Slideshow Settings – Displays options that specify how slides advance, and at what interval.


The View tab provides zoom options for individual slides.

Go to Slide... – Jumps directly to the selected slide in the presentation.
Fit Width – Adjusts the view to fit the width of the slide.
Fit Page – Adjusts the view to fit the entire slide.
100% Zoom – Adjusts the view to its natural zoom level.


The Table tab provides options to insert a table into your presentation, as well as to manage and customize it.

Insert Table – Insert a table with a pre-set formatting style, all you need to do is select its dimensions.
Format Table... – Provides options to manage the table's layout, dimensions and style.


Allows you to upgrade to OfficeSuite Premium for more advanced editing features.

The Clipboard, Layouts, Font, Paragraph, Shapes, and Transitions sections, located below the dropdown menus, dynamically expand or contract depending on the horizontal size of the Slides Editor window.


The Clipboard section contains options to cut/copy and paste both text and formatting throughout your presentation.

Paste – Place cut or copied elements in your presentation.
Cut – Cut elements from one location, and move them to another via paste.
Copy – Copy elements from one location to another via paste.
Format Painter – Copies the formatting and style of the selected text.


The Layout section provides the ability to add and duplicate slides with a predefined layout.

New – Adds a new slide to the presentation. The Down arrow lets you choose from slide layouts associated with your current presentation.
Duplicate Slide – Creates a duplicate of the slide selected in the sidebar.


The Font section is where you'll find the standard range of tools for adjusting font sizes, colors, and styles. Many of features will only be active once a Text Box is selected.

Calibri Font Families – Opens the font menu, which lists your available OfficeSuite fonts in their respective typeface.
18 Font Size – Adjusts font size from a predefined value.
Decrease Font – Decreases the currently selected text by one font point.
Increase Font – Increases the currently selected text by one font point.
Clear Formatting – Removes all formatting from a text selection.
Bold – Embolden text.
Italics – Italicize text.
Underline – Underline text.
Strikethrough – Add a strikethrough effect to text.
Subscript – Write text as subscript, or lower than the text around it.
Superscript – Write text as superscript, or higher than the text around it.
Highlight Color – Focus on specific parts of your presentation's text by highlighting it with a color.
Font Color – Specify the text color.


The Paragraph section contains a wide range of adjustments that can be made to how text is grouped.

Bulleted List – Creates a bulleted list. The Down arrow lets you choose from a selection of bullet styles.
Numbered List – Creates a numbered list. The Down arrow lets you choose from a selection of number styles.
Indent Left – Shifts text entries to the left.
Indent Right – Shifts text entries to the right.
Align Left – Aligns text against the left margin.
Align Center – Centers text between both margins.
Align Right – Aligns text against the right margin.
Justify – Distributes text evenly between both margins.


The Shapes section allows you to add and customize predefined shapes to the presentation. You can select multiple shape and text elements using the mouse, and any adjustments and modifications described below will apply to all selected elements at once.

New Text Box – Adds a text box to the presentation. Text boxes can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.
Shape – Adds a shape to the presentation. All shapes can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor. Many shapes also contain yellow adjustment anchors that can further modify the shape.

Right-clicking on an shape provides the shape customization popup menu:

Fill Color – Change the fill color of the shape (if applicable).
Border Color – Change the border\line color of the shape.
Line Style – Change the style of the border\line.
Line Thickness – Change the thickness of the border\line.
Arrange – Provides options to move elements in front of and behind one another.
Bring Forward – Brings the element one level forward, making it less obscured by elements in front of it.
Send Backward – Moves the element one level backward, making it more obscured by elements in front of it.
Send to Back – Sends the element to the rear of the slide, behind all other elements
Bring to Front – Brings the element to the front of the slide, in front of all other elements.
Group – Group up multiple elements to make them easier to move and manage.
Ungroup – Ungroup a previously grouped set of elements.
Shape Fill – Change the fill color of the shape (if applicable).
Shape Outline – Change the border\line color of the shape.


The Transitions section allows you to specify how slides change in your presentation.

Transitions – Opens the transitions menu, providing a selection of wipes, fades, dissolves, and more to animate the movement between slides.


The Animations tab gives you options to include animation effects to your slides.

Shape Animations – Insert an animation to certain elements of your presentation to make it more visually pleasing.


The Find section searches for instances of text within your presentation.

Find – Will search for instances of text entered in the Search field. The Search Options reveals the Match Case and Whole Words Only toggles, which will match capitals and exact phrases, respectively.

Right-clicking on a slide in the sidebar provides additional slide management options:

New Slide – Add a new default slide.
Duplicate Slide – Create a copy of the selected slide.
Delete Slide – Delete the currently selected slide.

Below the main slide display is the notes section, where you can write notes for each individual slide. Slide notes will not display on the presenting display.

At the very bottom of the Slides Editor, the orange status bar displays the number of slides in the presentation and the number of notes. There are also Fit to Page and Fit to Page Width buttons, as well as zoom levels that can be changed by using the Plus and Minus buttons, or by using the zoom slider that appears when clicking on the zoom percentage.